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    1. culture


      Corporate Culture
      Dedicated: focus on R&D and manufacturing of aluminium alloy, make deep processing in the industry, become strong and big in the aspect of scale and brand in the industry;
      Excellent: excellent quality is the foundation for the stand-up of Fenglu;
      Fast: quickly meeting the market demand and fast production and delivery are the outstanding characteristics of Fenglu;
      Strict: standard management is the fundamental guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise.
      Operation Philosophy of the Enterprise
      Quality Philosophy: quality is the starting point of the value and dignity of Fenglu;
      R&D Philosophy: market demand is the fundamental direction and pointer for the RD of Fenglu;
      Manufacturing Philosophy: pursuing industry specialization and product diversification;
      Talent Philosophy: talent is the core competence for enterprise development.
      Enterprise Vision
      Continue to lead the development of aluminium industry in China.
      Become a global influential aluminium alloy product RD, manufacturing and service provider.
      Become a highly competitive and well-recognized brand enterprise in the world.
      Core Values of Enterprise
      Sincerity: the foundation of the enterprise.
      Innovation: sources of enterprise development.
      Responsibility: the morality of enterprise.
      Win-win: path for survival of enterprise.
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      1. 国产一卡二卡三卡科技有限公司,成视频年人黄网站免费视频,亚洲中文字幕系列第1页,国产欧美日韩一区二区图片

